Janet Metts FNP-C, at Primary Care Center of Clear Lake in Webster and Pasadena TX
Janet Metts is a family nurse practitioner. She is available five days a week at Primary Care Center of Clear Lake. We have convenient locations to serve you in Webster and Pasadena, TX. For more information, please contact us or schedule an appointment online.

Table of Contents:
What is the professional background of Janet Metts, FNP-C?
Is Janet Metts FNP-C, accepting new patients?
What do patients say about Janet Metts FNP-C?
Can I make an appointment online with Janet Metts FNP-C?
Janet Metts FNP-C is a Family Nurse Practitioner certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She was a registered nurse for 7 years before earning her Master’s Degree in Nursing at Texas Tech University. She has a passion for preventative care and patient education.
Yes, Janet Metts, FNP-C, accepts new patients. Contact us for more information.
See what our patients are saying about Janet Metts, FNP-C, and her services.
Yes, you can schedule a consultation with Janet Metts, FNP-C, online.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two Siberian Huskies. She also enjoys reading fantasy novels. She is originally from Tennessee but moved to Texas in 2008.